Why should we control rats?

No one wants to find a rat infestation in their home. It’ll be no surprise that rats like to live around people, and our homes make excellent shelter for their nesting and hunting grounds for food. What might be a surprise to you is that rats can survive off of just an ounce of food and water a day, so it’s important to take effective steps to ensure you don’t make it easy for them move in.

Rats can be a serious issue for humans, due to them carrying and spreading disease, so it’s very important to take action if you suspect you may have a rat infestation.


What diseases do rats carry?

One of the more severe problems of a rat infestation is they are known for being carriers of disease which can be spread to humans. Diseases are usually spread through their urine and from their bodies coming into contact with food preparation areas.

Diseases include:

  • Leptospirosis (often referred to as Weil’s disease)
    • Blood infection, symptoms can range from headaches and pains to bleeding in the lungs or meningitis
  • Salmonella
    • Spread through exposure to droppings and urine
    • Causes stomach aches, diarrhoea, fever and cramping
  • Listeria
    • Very dangerous bacteria that causes fever, aches and although rare can cause death
  • Toxoplasma gondii
    • A Parasite that can affect the whole body
    • Most immune systems in a healthy person can keep this at bay
  • Hantavirus
    • Symptoms include fatigue, fever and aches, more serious cases can lead to kidney failure and low blood pressure

What damage can rats do?

Rats teeth are constantly growing, because of this they need to gnaw continuously to keep them filed down. Whether it’s your home or your business the damage that a rat can cause can go further than just being a nuisance, but also a finical and legal mine field.

Damage can include:

  • Structural damage
    • Pipes and wiring won’t stop a rat from gnawing, this could not only be expensive but life threatening
  • Nest making
    • Rats will use a number of materials to make nests, including drywall, insulation and wiring, this could lead fire hazards
  • Food storage
    • Rats will chew through anything to get to food, this doesn’t only result in throwing it away but can also lead to health issues due to spreading of diseases
  • Water storage
    • Rats will often drink water left in a pet’s bowl but in more serious cases, if rats are able to get into your water tanks, they could easily spread disease into your drinking water


When are rats most common?

As with many animals during summer and early autumn, there is plenty of vegetation outside which rats can hide amongst to find food and water.

During winter, rats often search for warmer, safer locations to hunt and build a nest. If you have had signs or previous problems with rats, it is highly recommended you seek a solution before the winter period to minimise potential problems.

Rats are usually nocturnal, but don’t be surprised if you see them during day light hours, their need for survival will push their search for food into all hours of the day.

What to do if you are bitten by a rat

Luckily, rats don’t seek us out to bite. However, if cornered rats are very likely to jump at a treat and use biting as a way to defend themselves.

If you are bitten wash the wound immediately even if the skin hasn’t been broken, use antiseptic cream and consult with a medical professional.

How to prevent rats

The best way to avoid having a rat problem is to take action before the problem even starts.

Rats will access your property through gaps. Start by going through your property and ensure that areas such as pipes, spaces under shed, roof access and vents are all secure.

Keep your property tidy, gutters cleared and ensure your garden isn’t overgrown to eliminate potential nesting materials. If you have a compost or wood storage, you can use wire mesh to prevent rodents from finding a way in.

Eraserpest Rat Treatment

The most effective way to get rid of rats from your home or business is to use a professional in rat control who will use integrated pest management to control them.

Our rat pest control treatments follow a 3-step programme with a 4th as an optional extra

  • Carry out a professional survey to work out the level of the infestation and the access points they are using.
  • Use the appropriate treatments to quickly and effectively erase the rats.
  • Advise you on the proofing measures needed to prevent future infestations and carry out any work needed.
  • Using our specialist machinery, we can mist either:
    • A biocide effective against bacteria, viruses and fungi through anywhere that contamination could pose a risk to you.
    • A highly effective odour control product which will get rid of any smells the rats may have left through urine and faeces.

How much does pest control cost?

For a quote on pest control, do not hesitate to contact us via email at contact@eraserpest.com or call us on 07572 458216.

Pest Control Experts Across Cambridgeshire, Essex and Suffolk.