Wildlife Management

The UK has a large variety of wildlife. Sometimes wildlife poses a risk to the public or your property such as damage to the fabric and structure of buildings to harming crops and plants.

Eraserpest are highly knowledgeable when it comes to controlling wildlife in and around Cambridgeshire, Essex and Suffolk.

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    Wildlife Management

    Eraserpest offer some useful tips on wildlife management to help you with animals such as badgers, squirrels, rabbits, foxes and voles, which can potentially cause damage to your property.

    Wildlife control can be a highly emotive subject with many risks and pitfalls and, here at Erasrerpest we take no half measures when it comes to being legal, humane and are carried out with sensitivity.

    Our wildlife management service follows a 3-step programme

    1. Carry out a professional survey to work out what needs to be done and what advice should be given.
    2. Use the appropriate treatments to quickly and effectively deter wildlife from causing further damage.
    3. Advise you on the proofing measures needed to prevent future wildlife problems and carry out any work needed.

    We can help you with Wildlife Control – get your free quote today.